
10,000 START
Fix limit Texas hold'em
マイルが貯まるDEEP ONE
19:00 START 23:30頃終了予定


■参加表明 電話予約・FBイベント情報

■主催 プレイヤーズ

Limit Texas hold'em
持ち点数   :10,000点
ストラクチャ :15分予定

 ・マンスリー権    :1位および2位
 ・べガスカップポイント:1位 10vcp、2位 5vcp
 ・マイルポイント:1位 参加人数×40マイル
          2位 参加人数×20マイル



東京都台東区 Conapoke



Access東京メトロ銀座線 田原町駅 3出口 徒歩6分 都営大江戸線 蔵前駅 A5出口 徒歩7分 都営浅草線 蔵前駅 A4出口 徒歩10分 浅草駅 徒歩15分 お車でお越しの方、コインパーキング至近多数あります



*Tournament is available to apply until the number of player reach maximum.


Game Type Texas hold'em
Limit Type Fixed Limit
Tables 9
Stack 10000
Rebuy No
Add-on No


Please agree on the followings before apply.

If it do not reach the minimum number of people, events may be canceled. Fee will be refunded if no hosting event is held by the club.

After completing the application, it will be automatically registered as a member of the club. In addition, personal information like poker ID, nickname and profile picture will not be disclosed.

If the event is canceled due to unavoidable reasons, the fee paid will not be returned, and we can not guarantee that you can participate in another events host by club.

Please show your poker ID and nickname at reception at the venue on the day.


Rank Nickname Score
1 marisuke 10.0
2 せお 5.0
3 天婦羅★三杯酢 0.0
4 イツコ 0.0
5 Pooku33 0.0
6 にけ 0.0
7 ミラー 0.0
8 J.O. 0.0
9 OGK 0.0
10 Yoko 0.0


Level Small / Big Ante Duration
1 50 / 100 -- 20min
2 75 / 150 -- 20min
3 100 / 200 -- 20min
4 150 / 300 -- 20min
5 200 / 400 -- 20min
6 250 / 500 -- 20min
7 Break Time(10min)
8 300 / 600 -- 20min
9 400 / 800 -- 20min
10 500 / 1000 -- 20min
11 600 / 1200 -- 20min
12 700 / 1400 -- 20min
13 800 / 1600 -- 20min
14 1000 / 2000 -- 20min
15 1200 / 2500 -- 20min
16 Break Time(10min)
17 1500 / 3000 -- 15min
18 2000 / 4000 -- 15min
19 2500 / 5000 -- 15min
20 Break Time(5min)
21 3000 / 6000 -- 15min
22 4000 / 8000 -- 15min
23 5000 / 10000 -- 15min
24 6000 / 12000 -- 15min
25 7000 / 14000 -- 15min
26 8000 / 16000 -- 15min
27 9000 / 18000 -- 15min
28 10000 / 20000 -- 15min